Can Gratitude Help?
Can practicing Gratitude really make a difference to our wellbeing in these challenging times? I think so. Have a listen to this...

Gratitude as a Catalyst for Spiritual Awakening
Literature on the neuroscience of happiness and positive neuroplasticity frequently cites the importance of adopting a gratitude practice...

Why Should I Start A Gratitude Practice?
As humans, we’re not hard-wired to be grateful - it doesn’t come naturally to us. It’s often so much easier to have a grumble, complain,...

Making Peace Before You Eat
I was delighted to be asked recently to record a gratitude meditation for a brand new App called "Making Peace Before You Eat". This App...

"From Fear to Action"
Sharing with you a fun podcast I recorded with the founder of Shine, Julian Noel and the inspiring entrepreneur Heather Porter. During...

Not always easy
Gratitude is a beautiful state to reside in and is an attitude that I believe is essential to cultivate for a happy and contented life....

How Gratitude Can Change Your Life
Dr Robert Emmons, Professor of Psychology at the University of California and author of "Thanks! How The New Science of Gratitude Can...

What's the big deal with Gratitude?
A few weeks ago I was delighted to be invited to speak at a Health and Wellbeing event for a group of 20 women beginning a 60 Day...

Beauty all around
The picture doesnt do the landscape justice, but reaching this vista on our hike yesterday brought me to an absolutre standstill and...

The energy of Love
Love is truly the most infectious energy and highest vibrational space that exists. The last few weeks have again shown me that the more...